I'm moving in.... | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
This property was reserved by brenmc I'm 32 years old, from Canada. This site is dedicated to my friends and family. I love you all very very much, and I hope you enjoy what I write for each one of you. | |||||||||||||||||||||||
This is dedicated to my Husband and Children | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
I was married Feburary 22, 1992 to a wonderful man named Kevin McPhail. Before I was married I already had a son who at the time was four years old. Kevin did not want my son to feel left out of the family, and therefore asked is he wanted to be Kevins real son. Mikey, who never knew his biological father, was very happy that he would finally have a daddy. Kevin adopted Mikey, and we became a family. Eight months later my other son Steven was born. He was premature, and had a problem with his left lung. It was not completely developed. He therefore was taken to special care, where he remained for five days. He also had Jandus very badly, but within a few weeks it cleared up, and he became a very happy, healthy boy. Mikey and Steven are my pride and joy. Mikey is now almost 13 and Steven is 6. The usualy get along very well, and Mikey is a fantastic big brother. The family has had some rough times, but we are close and we survived. My husband Kevin who I will be celebrating our seventh year anniversarry with very soon, is a very strong, and dedicated man. He is dedicated to making his family happy, and works long hours to insure this. Even though he can be a complete pain in the ass at times, and he spends WAY too much time watching t.v. and playing on the computer, I still love him very much. There have been times, where I've been really tempted to through him out the door, but I'm thankful I didn't. The seven year itch is comming up soon, and yes I have been itchy, but Kevin is always there to scratch it away. I love you babe with all my heart and sole. To my brother Mike: You are my inspiration. You are the one I look up to, you are the one who I admire. You have come so far, and been through so many different changes, and I've watched you come out on top every time. You are the person I wish to be like, and whenever I'm worried about something, or troubled I think what you would do, and try and follow in your foot steps, you have taught me so much without even being asked. You are a gentle, patient and kind soul. I am a lucky sister to have you. I love you always, and truely. To my sister-in-law: You took your sweet time desiding whether or not you could handle the Ramsey clan. And I for one am glad you took on the challenge. It's quite the family to have, and we can all be a little nuts and annoying at times, buy we mean well. I think of you not only as a sister, but also as a friend. You are like me shadow. (not that you follow me), but that you and I are so much alike. I'm glad of that, because I know if I ever need someone to talk to...you'll understand because we share so many simularities. Luv you lots sis. To my Sister at heart Lyn: You are the sister who got away!!! You are the one who was suppose to be my sister, but you got lost somewhere in between the seed and the embryo, and you ended up being born to someone else, but that's okay because we found each other once again!! You are everything a sister could be. You are always there for me when I need you. You listen to all my problems with no comments, or judgements. And whenever I want to insult my husband you totally understand, cause you know exactly what I'm saying, and you can totaly understand!! You and I have so much in common it's almost scarey, but it's also great! I love you as much as I would any blood sister, you are a great friend. We've been through lots together. And we have to actually thank grade 9 french class and Mr. Krue. What a concept aye. For if it was not for those two terrible things, we would of never me. You would of never gottin' me into trouble, and we would never have become such good friends. I guess in a sense we owe him big.....NOT!!! besides the old coot is probably dead now anyway. I bet when they barried him...his fly was opened in the casket too. (I know I'm bad) But you and I are the only ones who will get that joke!! I love you sis. From the heart. I would like to take a small piece to say hi to Brad, Ken, and Dennise. I met you all on the web, and you're all great people. Thanks for becomming my friends! | |||||||||||||||||||||||
This is Dedicated to a special friend of Mine!! A Lost Love, but a Found Friendship. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
To my dear friend LEE; You and I have been through a lot together, and apart. We've laughed, we've cryed, we've changed, we've grew. But, through all the changes in our lives, it's hard to believe, there is still a you and me. Who would of thought that sixteen years ago, when I begged my friend Mark to introduce you to me, that we would come this far. I admired you from a far, and prayed one day I would meet you, then when I did, I prayed that you would like me as | much as I liked you. When you did I prayed that it would last forever. Who would of thought that God would answer all my prayers. Even though he may not of answered them the way I had in mind, he answered them in a way that would make sense. For a friendship so rare, and so hard to come by is a unique thing, especially between two people of the opposite sex. You captured my heart in a way that no one will ever be able to capture it. Even though I plan on growing old with my husband, I expect you to be right there in the same nurseing home! You are my first love. You were the one who broke my heart, and yet you are still the one who can make me cry. You are still the one who frustrates the hell out of me, and you are still the one who I can't stay mad at. You and I come from two different worlds, and yet when we are together our worlds become one, and all the things we don't have in common seem to fade into the background. Think about it....how many people can say that. How many ex-boyfriends, and ex-girlfriends can say that there past love is one of their best friends now. Not many. But I can. You are one of those rare people who I can share anything with, and not worry about judgement, or disapointment. You're it Lee. You are one of the bestest(I know it's not a word, but it's the best one) friend in the hole wide world to me. Even if you do REALLY Piss me off sometimes. I love you anyway. I aways will.
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